Password security is one of the hottest security issues and one of the most difficult to manage, regardless if you are a Fortune 100 company or an independent consultant, such as myself. Password managers make it a lot easier to manage your side of password security, and if you are not using one, you should. […]
Tag: productivity

Things I Carry
In the spirit of the LinkedIn series, Things I Carry, I have created my list of the things that I carry. I am a frequent traveler and have well over 1 million miles of air, car, train, and bus travel over the past 10 years, and I’ve learned to travel as lean as possible. These are […]

Free Audio Book: Think and Grow Rich
Several months ago, I read Think and Grow Rich, the classic motivational book by Napoleon Hill. I have listened to an audio book version, specifically the 21st Century Edition, but I wanted to have the original 1937 edition as an audio book so that I could listen to the book without the additional modern commentary […]

WTF? (Where’s the Facebook?)
If you look for Matrice Consulting, LLC on, you will not find us. If you are looking for Facebook on, this post is the only place you will find it. I am asked or told at least once a week, “Why aren’t you on Facebook? You should be on Facebook”. I am one […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 1 of 3)
The 4-Hour Workweek, a book by Timothy Ferriss, has been exhaustively praised and panned across the globe. The book is part self-help, part DIY, part romanticism. As of this writing, both the first and second editions have been reviewed on 2,333 times. The ‘Expanded and Updated’ edition has an rating of 4.6 out […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 2 of 3)
A Word to the Haters Riley: “There he goes again! Hatin’!” Granddad: “Boy! Stop Hatin’!” Boondocks, Season 1 Episode 11 – Let’s Nab Oprah I am not sure what some of the people who read this book were expecting. This is what some of the people on have to say in their reviews: “A […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 3 of 3)
Conclusion Can the 4-Hour Workweek be done? If you are an artist, a laborer, or assembly line worker, and you want to continue doing that, then the answer is “No”. If you are a consultant and you want to continue doing that, the answer is “No”. If you are a business owner, the answer is […]

The First Hour of the Day
Fast Company has a fairly good article on how successful people spend the first hour of their day: What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day. I would change the word successful to effective, but it makes for a juicier headline. In any case, I have been following a similar regimen […]