You will hear entrepreneurial leaders and other talking heads (Seth Godin, can you hear me?) telling us to find our niche. As I was watching a Twitter feed during lunch on the day of the manhunt for the (alleged) Boston Marathon bomber, it struck me how unimportant nearly all the voices (tweets) were, at least […]
Tag: entrepreneurship

Where Mark Zuckerberg Got it Right
I finally watched The Social Network last week and was very impressed with this film. I take it for what it is and nothing more: just a film based on a book based on true events. For me, there is one major takeaway from this movie that was probably lost to most in the ensuing […]

Build Customer Loyalty by Adopting their Vision, Mission, and Culture
For the small consulting firm and independent consultants, building strong customer loyalty can make or break your business. Weak customer loyalty, at the very least, will make the struggle to keep your sales pipeline full a lot more difficult. Strong customer loyalty will provide dividends for years to come. Some of the common approaches to […]

Free E-book: Think and Grow Rich
I am pleased to offer the classic book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill, as a free download. Thanks to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), this book is in the public domain and can be freely copied and distributed throughout the United States and most of the free world. I may, at some […]

Naming a New Company
Matrice Consulting just celebrated our ten-year anniversary in August. Looking back, I found that one of the most difficult steps of starting a new company is creating a good name. I formed my company name after watching a trailer for a movie; I merged my first and last names, added ‘Consulting’ to describe what we […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 1 of 3)
The 4-Hour Workweek, a book by Timothy Ferriss, has been exhaustively praised and panned across the globe. The book is part self-help, part DIY, part romanticism. As of this writing, both the first and second editions have been reviewed on 2,333 times. The ‘Expanded and Updated’ edition has an rating of 4.6 out […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 2 of 3)
A Word to the Haters Riley: “There he goes again! Hatin’!” Granddad: “Boy! Stop Hatin’!” Boondocks, Season 1 Episode 11 – Let’s Nab Oprah I am not sure what some of the people who read this book were expecting. This is what some of the people on have to say in their reviews: “A […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek – A Different Take (Part 3 of 3)
Conclusion Can the 4-Hour Workweek be done? If you are an artist, a laborer, or assembly line worker, and you want to continue doing that, then the answer is “No”. If you are a consultant and you want to continue doing that, the answer is “No”. If you are a business owner, the answer is […]

Self-Promotion is a Good Thing
To establish oneself in the world, one does all one can to seem established there already. – François de La Rochefoucauld Self promotion really gets a bad rap. Exhibit A: Timothy Ferriss From an Amazon review of Timothy Ferriss’ bestselling The 4-Hour Workweek: “His shameless self-promotion and braggadicious style is second only to the undisputed champion […]