Today was moving day for matricellc.com. We didn’t quite expect to move, but performance with our old site was so bad that we could not wait any longer. We moved our site to bluehost.com, which we also use for hosting other sites and have had excellent performance. I had considering going hardcore and deploying on AWS (Amazon Web Services), but I thought better of it. That would have been the equivalent of swatting a fly with small tactical nuclear device. We needed more power and speed, but not that much.
If you were one of the unfortunate visitors to our site that has suffered through slow page loads, I apologize and thank you for your patience. We may have some intermittent hiccups in the next day or two, but please be patient and I promise we will have it worked out.
I would like to give a nod to the fine folks at Life in the Grid for their outstanding WordPress plugin, Duplicator. This plugin made it possible to migrate our site from one web server to another, on a completely new database, in less than 30 minutes. It was up and running with nary a hitch.
If you are interested in how we did this, let me know and I’ll write a post.
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