Back in April, we decided to move website hosting for this site to Bluehost. We had outgrown our old hosting service and needed a more robust solution. On recommendation from some other Bluehost customers, we moved all of our commercial sites to Bluehost. Over the past 11 months, we have had intermittent problems with Bluehost. […]
Category: IT

Are Your Passwords Safe?
Password security is one of the hottest security issues and one of the most difficult to manage, regardless if you are a Fortune 100 company or an independent consultant, such as myself. Password managers make it a lot easier to manage your side of password security, and if you are not using one, you should. […]

Evernote Email Fail
If you know me or have read any incarnation of this blog, you will know that I am a huge fan of Evernote, going way back to the beta days. If you are an Evernote user, you are probably aware of the security breach they experienced. I knew it was big when it appeared on […]

Xampp WordPress: Install WordPress Locally on Windows
This is a fantastic post from acclaimed blogger Siobhan McKeown , explaining how to install WordPress on your local PC workstation: Xampp WordPress: Install WordPress Locally on Windows. For those of you who are not familiar with XAMPP, it is a collection, or ‘stack’, of tools which essentially provides you with all of the functionality […]

Tech Support XKCD Style
This post is just for fun. Anyone who knows me well knows that my favorite web-comic is XKCD (note: not always safe for work and not always for the sensitive). One of my favorite strips is the Tech Support Cheat Sheet, which I will guess is one of the more popular ones. XKCD explains how […]

Why I Dumped Verizon Wireless
… and why you might want to, too. Some people call Verizon ‘Big Red’. Up until a few months ago, I was a long time subscriber to their wireless service, for at least five years. I was happy with the coverage, but not happy with the cost of service nor with their tendency to nickel […]
Top Thirteen Desktop Apps
About four years ago, I wrote an article on my top ten MS Windows applications, plus one. In 2008, these were my top ten (plus one): Firefox Notepad++ Directory Opus 9 SnagIt v.7 AusLogics Disk Defrag CCleaner TrueCrypt Microsoft Excel Nuance Paperport AI Roboform Evernote (honorable mention) In 2012, I give you a baker’s dozen […]