It’s hard to believe, but it has been a year since we celebrated Matrice Consulting’s 10 year anniversary and relaunched this website. Although it has been difficult to keep up with the blog posts over the past two months due to professional commitments, I can tell you that we are still going strong, quietly going […]
Category: Independent Consulting

Why Your Niche Matters More Than Ever
You will hear entrepreneurial leaders and other talking heads (Seth Godin, can you hear me?) telling us to find our niche. As I was watching a Twitter feed during lunch on the day of the manhunt for the (alleged) Boston Marathon bomber, it struck me how unimportant nearly all the voices (tweets) were, at least […]

Things I Carry
In the spirit of the LinkedIn series, Things I Carry, I have created my list of the things that I carry. I am a frequent traveler and have well over 1 million miles of air, car, train, and bus travel over the past 10 years, and I’ve learned to travel as lean as possible. These are […]

The Best Month Ever
For the independent consultant, marketing does not come naturally for us, unless perhaps you are a marketing consultant. This is because we are technicians by nature, using the definition of technician as described in The E-Myth Revisited, the brilliant book by Michael Gerber. Our websites and blogs are one of the most visible ways in […]

Build Customer Loyalty by Adopting their Vision, Mission, and Culture
For the small consulting firm and independent consultants, building strong customer loyalty can make or break your business. Weak customer loyalty, at the very least, will make the struggle to keep your sales pipeline full a lot more difficult. Strong customer loyalty will provide dividends for years to come. Some of the common approaches to […]

Free E-book: Think and Grow Rich
I am pleased to offer the classic book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill, as a free download. Thanks to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), this book is in the public domain and can be freely copied and distributed throughout the United States and most of the free world. I may, at some […]

Naming a New Company
Matrice Consulting just celebrated our ten-year anniversary in August. Looking back, I found that one of the most difficult steps of starting a new company is creating a good name. I formed my company name after watching a trailer for a movie; I merged my first and last names, added ‘Consulting’ to describe what we […]

Why Remote Workers Are More (Yes, More) Engaged
An interesting article from Harvard Business Review arrived in my email this morning that I want to share: Why Remote Workers Are More (Yes, More) Engaged. Two points that stand out to me are: Absence makes people try harder to connect Leaders of virtual teams make better use of tools I agree with Mr. Edinger […]

I am on a First Name Basis with Arby’s
What does a fast food restaurant and IT consulting have in common? They are both businesses that rely on face to face communications and relationship building to help create loyalty and repeat business. What can we learn from Arby’s that can help improve our relationships with customers? And why Arby’s in particular? Isn’t Arby’s just […]