For the small consulting firm and independent consultants, building strong customer loyalty can make or break your business. Weak customer loyalty, at the very least, will make the struggle to keep your sales pipeline full a lot more difficult. Strong customer loyalty will provide dividends for years to come. Some of the common approaches to […]
Category: Client/Customer Relations

Coming Soon: Think and Grow Rich Audiobook
{{ Update: you can now get the audio book here: Think and Grow Rich Audio Book }} I have been reading my way through a number of classic motivational books and have recently read the grand-daddy of them all, Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill. I recall seeing this particular book on my maternal […]

I am on a First Name Basis with Arby’s
What does a fast food restaurant and IT consulting have in common? They are both businesses that rely on face to face communications and relationship building to help create loyalty and repeat business. What can we learn from Arby’s that can help improve our relationships with customers? And why Arby’s in particular? Isn’t Arby’s just […]