… and why you might want to, too. Some people call Verizon ‘Big Red’. Up until a few months ago, I was a long time subscriber to their wireless service, for at least five years. I was happy with the coverage, but not happy with the cost of service nor with their tendency to nickel […]

The First Hour of the Day
Fast Company has a fairly good article on how successful people spend the first hour of their day: What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day. I would change the word successful to effective, but it makes for a juicier headline. In any case, I have been following a similar regimen […]
Top Thirteen Desktop Apps
About four years ago, I wrote an article on my top ten MS Windows applications, plus one. In 2008, these were my top ten (plus one): Firefox Notepad++ Directory Opus 9 SnagIt v.7 AusLogics Disk Defrag CCleaner TrueCrypt Microsoft Excel Nuance Paperport AI Roboform Evernote (honorable mention) In 2012, I give you a baker’s dozen […]

Self-Promotion is a Good Thing
To establish oneself in the world, one does all one can to seem established there already. – François de La Rochefoucauld Self promotion really gets a bad rap. Exhibit A: Timothy Ferriss From an Amazon review of Timothy Ferriss’ bestselling The 4-Hour Workweek: “His shameless self-promotion and braggadicious style is second only to the undisputed champion […]

I am on a First Name Basis with Arby’s
What does a fast food restaurant and IT consulting have in common? They are both businesses that rely on face to face communications and relationship building to help create loyalty and repeat business. What can we learn from Arby’s that can help improve our relationships with customers? And why Arby’s in particular? Isn’t Arby’s just […]

1 Decade, 10 Years, or 1/10th of a Century
Ten years ago today, on August 1st, 2002, I established Matrice Consulting, LLC. I’ve been contemplating this anniversary since the beginning of this year. What does this all mean? How should I feel about it? Why am I psychoanalyzing myself? It is probably just best to recap the milestones over the past 10 years. Matrice […]

New Site, New Blog
“We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness” – Unknown We are proud to announce the relaunch of the Matrice Consulting website on the 10th anniversary of our founding. We are also relaunching our blog, which had fallen into a state of neglect and disrepair, […]
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